Welcome to our farm!

“When the biggest problem you have in life is too many longhorn cows and not enough pasture – life has turned out pretty good!”

Lucksenuf Farm is a small farm located in Central Virginia focused on raising Registered Texas Longhorns and Boer Goats. I would like to say Lucksenuf farm got its name because it’s better to be lucky than good sometimes, but in reality, it came from Suzette’s Quarter Horse named Lucks Enough.

We had a dream years ago that we wanted to purchase a farm, raise livestock and have a sustainable homestead. Fortunately, Greg had a vision when he found our small property in Mineral, VA. The dream property had been timbered, was mostly overgrown, and had no pastures, fencing or facilities, but it did have a small non livable shack and shallow well. What a great start!! In the beginning, the property was just a fun place to go and get away while raising our four children and working in Northern Virginia. As the years went by the land was cleared, pastures were planted, barns and equipment buildings were built and fencing was installed. Once all the kids were raised and we were not tied up with travel soccer, competitive cheerleading, modeling, football and visiting colleges, the time came to kick the farm dream into overdrive. When the world shut down due to Covid, Greg was lucky enough to have extra time to devote to the farm. In October of 2020 Suzette’s first Boer Goats were purchased and in December the first two unregistered Longhorn heifers moved in. The plan at that time was to keep a small herd of 2-4 Longhorn cows, but boy do plans change. Who knew that Longhorns are so addicting, and you cannot just have one or two or three or four – somehow, we expanded our registered herd and before you know it we had over 20 head. In 2023 our first bred and born registered calf arrived. She is an incredible little heifer we named Torvi’s Angel after our granddaughter, Torvi, who we lost in 2020. Now, we are focusing on breeding and raising fullblood Boer Goats and Registered Texas Longhorns from herds we have raised and developed over the past few years. In 2024 we started attending futurities and travelling to other states with our heifers, young bull and meeting wonderful people in the Longhorn industry. We also have two granddaughters who are interested in halter breaking calves and participating in the youth shows so look for them starting in 2025. We cannot wait to see what this dream holds for us in the future and where this journey leads us.

Greg & Suzette Kapp